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Removing Barriers to the Housing we need and want

We need housing fast. So multi-unit low-rise infill housing needs to move quickly through city hall, getting a building permit and then shovel in the ground. All barriers must be removed, leaving only a quick permit process.

Consultation (barriers)


We all know that more housing is needed that meets the needs of a diversity of households in municipalities across the country. We want our kids to be able to have a place to call their own one day.  We want to know that there will be housing for seniors to live in when they decide it’s time to leave their family homes.  And we want those homes in places that are vibrant, healthy and walkable.


Now is the time to start BuidingIN these new homes in existing communities so that we are meeting tomorrow’s housing needs. But first, we need to get everyone on board.


Extensive consultation and collaboration are central to the success of BuildingIN.  We include all partners in every step of transforming older neighbourhoods into communities, with more housing that meets a variety of needs, and investments to ensure they are great places to live. This includes consultation and collaboration with residents, City Councillors, housing industry representatives, city planners, housing advocates, community associations and business groups.


During the BuildingIN Program in any municipality there are three in-person consultation workshops that play a central role; defining and refining a new direction for older neighbourhoods, for housing supply, for emissions reductions and for fiscal sustainability in the municipality. All workshops will include playful learning, group discussions, problem solving and active listening. Simulation of outcomes will allow constructive converstations grounded in information that is specific to your neighbourhoods and local housing need.

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BuildingIN has been selected as a semi-finalist by the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) in Round 5 of the Housing Supply Challenge.  

© 2024 BuildingIN

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