We are a team with a wide range of skills, because there's not just one kind of road block to housing supply. Together our team provides services for municipalities that are focused, efficient and effective.
Rosaline Hill (OAA, RPP, MCIP)
Principal Architect, Senior Planner, and Development Consultant for RJH Architecture + Planning
Catherine McKenney
Executive Director of CitySHAPES
Steve Pomeroy
Principal of Focus Consulting, Industry Professor at McMaster University, Executive Advisor to the Canadian Housing Evidence Collboration
Neil Saravanamutto
CitySHAPES Director
Jennifer Barrett (MCIP, RPP)
Managing Director of Programs, Planning and Policy for the Canadian Urban Institute
Mirja Reid
Junior Planner & GIS Analyst for RJH Architecture + Planning
Carolyn Mackenzie
Director of Walkable Ottawa
Jeremy Murphy
Urban Planner, Climate Change Planner, Principal of Sustainability Solutions Group
Karen Bay Lindkvist
Urban Planning Consultant, Instructor for Azrieli School of Architecture & Urbanism
Alastair Whitewolf
Partner, Senior Technologist, and Designer for RJH Architecture + Planning
Astrid Nielsen (RPF, Cert. Arborist)
Principal of Dendron Forestry Services, Session Lecturer at J.H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape & Design (UofT)