Our Services
We support municipalities through our flagship BuildingIN Program and through our other services.
Our Program
The BuildingIN Program is a comprehensive program that municipalities can implement to increase their housing supply with infill-at-scale. BuildingIn offers a development advisory program, with simulation, supporting services, and a permit-ready housing catalogue.
Other Services
Your municipality may not be ready to dive into the full BuildingIN Program, but may find these services useful right now. All of these services are individual elements from the full BuildingIN Program.
BuildingIN Analysis of Barriers and Opportunities
Find out how your city can benefit from BuildingIN. Do your older neighbourhoods match the patterns of development that are well-suited to BuildingIN? Is there demand for the kinds of housing that BuildingIN would facilitate? Are your older neighbourhoods well positioned to receive infill together with supporting or complimentary neighbourhood upgrades?
Find out how our simulations and 3D visualizations can help to get your city council on board, and how BuildingIN can remove the barriers to the housing you need and want.
Map Areas Ideal for BuildingIN
Understand the geographic extent of your city's low-rise infill housing potential for BuildingIN. Our team will map areas ideal for infill, taking into consideration:
local business models for redevelopment,
encumbrances on land (flood plains, etc),
real estate demand,
service capacities,
and storm water management.
Fiscal Sustainability Forecast for Low-rise Infill (Simulation)
Understand the impact on municipal revenues from infill housing scenarios for your city, including BuildingIN. Consider the investments needed to support infill. Examine scenarios that are fiscally sustainable and meet housing targets, while balancing the budget.
With this analysis, your city can plan and budget for infrastructure and amenities to meet needs, focusing resources where they will most effectively enable infill at scale.
Housing Market Response Forecast for Low-rise Infill (Simulation)
Understand the potential for low-rise infill development in your older neighbourhoods over the coming years, based on your most recent regulations and infrastructure investment plans. Our simulation maps forecast density increases and include diagrams showing likely unit types and orientations. Our team will take into consideration local business models for redevelopment, cost of construction, real estate demand, purchase prices and market rents. Work will include meeting with city planners and infill housing developers.
Many municipalities don’t know where or how much infill to anticipate. Changes to regulations, infrastructure investments and real estate demand can shift infill outcomes. Maps of infill housing potential allow planners to anticipate infill. With this information your planning department can plan infrastructure to meet need, and focus energy and spending where it will make the most impact.
Percentage Increase in Density over 20 years
Street Context Model with BuildingIN
View your older neighbourhood streets as they evolve, with multi-unit low-rise infill, and complimentary neighbourhood upgrades - 3D modelling of typical existing streets now and in 20 years.
Worst Case Scenario 3D Model
Never be surprised by the worst possible infill building design! It’s best to know what ‘the worst’ is, before it arrives in a fully compliant permit application.
This work includes a review of your current zoning on one selected infill site, and design of a fully zoning and building code compliant infill building that is the worst, most ugly and inappropriate design that a developer might build. A detailed site plan will be prepared, together with a 3D. (Unit plans not included.)
Learn how Form-Based Zoning can help.
Walkable Indicator Mapping
Check the pulse on walkability. Where do your older neighbourhoods have potential to tip from a culture of car-dependence to a culture of walking and active transportation? This is a quick, thoughtful and affordable mapping exercise to provide insight about areas of opportunity and infill potential.
Neighbourhood Parking Study
Discover the potential for off-site parking that exists within or abutting your older neighbourhoods. When parking is provided on-site it takes up a lot of space and requires a lot of paving. Parking cuts infill housing potential by more than half. Off-site or neighbourhood parking in older neighbourhoods may be an important step toward meeting your city's housing targets. Our study will review the options and opportunities that your city might consider.
“Infill housing is a crucial component of our overall housing strategy. By supporting the BuildingIN program, we can create more opportunities for affordable housing, reduce urban sprawl, and promote sustainable development practices.”
James Moore
Housing Policy & Programs Department Manager, City of Kelowna