BuildingIN has created a generational solution to address housing supply so that cities can meet their housing targets with low-rise infill that works at scale. BuildingIN works with municipalities to remove barriers and meet targets by; identifying qualifying areas, applying new overlay regulations including form-based zoning, focusing investment strategies to make neighbourhoods great places to live, and getting people on board.
BuildingIN uses multi-unit, low-rise, replicable infill housing that works at scale by creating a repeatable business model so that,
builders will build more housing, faster; and
cities can transition more neighbourhoods into walkable, green and more equitable communities while balancing the books.
Vindhya, axo of nh w infill
BuildingIN offers a development advisory Program, Tools and Simulation, and a permit-ready housing Catalogue. BuildingIN engages Municipalities, infill Developers, Modular manufacturers and the development industry at large to:
Identify qualifying areas where BuildingIN can accelerate housing supply.
Apply transparent criteria including underdeveloped land in older neighbourhoods to map where BuildingIN can happen at scale.
Develop solutions to key regulatory challenges through overlay packages that enable BuildingIN.
Provide regulatory overlay packages - including adaptable tools and templates for policy/regulatory adoption by cities - that address barriers to building multi-unit, low-rise, modular infill housing at scale and applies consistent standards across participating municipalities.
Focus investment strategies to achieve complete community redevelopment and BuildingIN.
Identify infrastructure and public amenities investments needed to progress toward complete communities in qualifying areas – crucial to build support for BuildingIN by the public and creation of viable business models for developers/builders delivering multi-unit, low-rise, modular infill housing.
Simulate impacts/benefits and create a business case for BuildingIN.
Simulate impacts and create a business case for BuildingIn, evaluating housing unit increases, financial improvements, and emissions reductions to drive municipal action.
Share vision with 3D illustrations of complete communities possible through BuildingIN.
Illustrate the vision of complete communities enabled by BuildingIN through 3D modeling, demonstrating how infill housing enriches neighborhoods as well as putting conditions in place for developers to build multi-unit, low-rise, modular infill at scale.
Design and prepare a catalogue of permit-ready drawings aligned with overlay packages to start BuildingIN.
Provide permit-ready drawings aligned with overlay packages, encouraging investment in modular, replicable housing, enabling building permits to be issued and buildings to be built faster and more cheaply, and BuildingIN.
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